Statement of Mission and Values

The University of Arizona College of Medicine Neurology Residency Program
As members of the Department of Neurology our mission is to create, nourish and sustain a residency training curriculum founded on the philosophical ideal of the neurologist for the 21st century.
We believe that the clinical neurologist is characterized as:
  • An expert in diagnosis and managing diseases of the nervous system who is equally effective in the office and in the hospital setting.
  • A consultant to patients and generalist physicians in rural and other special environments for difficult neurological problems, or in areas in which the neurologist has unique expertise.
We also believe that the neurologist must be:
  • A compassionate and ethical physician who is a passionate advocate for patients.
  • A physician who is trained in clinical epidemiology, clinical decision making, and preventive medicine.
  • A master of communication, who listens and conveys information effectively to patients and colleagues.
  • A resource manager who can bring a thoughtful and efficient style of practice to the evaluation and management of patients and their problems.
  • An individual who possesses special skills to respond to the changing medical and social needs of local communities.
  • An effective leader and coordinator of the entire patient care team who can work in a complementary fashion with all members of this team.
  • A clinical information manager who can take full advantage of electronically stored data and who can use the most modern technological tools for communication.
  • A person who is capable of balancing between the demands posed by personal growth and professional development.
Accordingly, we are committed to designing and developing a curriculum which:
  • Offers a solid foundation in the diagnosis and management of patients with complex neurological disorders, preventive neurology and the delivery of health care.
  • Instills a foundation for future training in subspecialty neurology and/or neurology research.
  • Promotes attributes and skills for life-long learning, inquiry and teaching.
  • Develops the skills required to function and excel in multiple practice settings.
We recognize that the goals of education and service are correlated and are equally essential for the effective training of future comprehensive internists. Consequently, we are committed to providing our residents with a supportive learning environment that enable them to successfully attain those objectives.