Contact Us
The University of Arizona
Department of Neurology
1501 N. Campbell Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85724-5023
For Patients and all Patient Related Assistance: Phone: (520) 694-8888
Banner- University Medicine facilities in Tucson (hospitals and clinics) will now be supported by Banner Health’s Centralized Release of Information Department (CROI).
Below you will find information on how to obtain records along with other details for additional requests:
When requesting medical records, please include the following on the fax request:
- Provider Name and Contact
- Patient Name
- Records Needed
- For scheduled appointments, please send us your request ASAP prior to patient visit. If these records are needed STAT, as in the patient has an appointment same day, please write “STAT” on the request.
If the patient was seen at the following facility, please fax to the assigned number:
Banner - University Medical Center Tucson Campus Fax: 520-223-8439
Banner - University Medical Center South Campus Fax: 520-223-8391
Banner Health Clinic Records Fax: 520-223-8388
For any follow up questions on the request, our department can be contacted at 480-412-5600.