Holli A Horak, MD
Dr. Horak is a board-certified neuromuscular specialist in electrophysiology, dedicated to caring for patients with ALS, muscular dystrophy, autoimmune neuropathies, and myasthenia gravis. She is actively involved in clinical research on the epidemiology of muscular dystrophy. Additionally, Dr. Horak serves as the director of both the Clinical Neurophysiology Fellowship and the Neurology Clerkship and teaches residents and fellows in EMG/NCS.
Selected Publications
Horak, H and Raul Mandler. Myopathy. Practical Neurology, 3rd edition J Biller, ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 2009.
Horak, H and Rahmand Pourmand. Approach to the Patient With Acute Muscle Weakness. Practical Neurology, 3rd edition J Biller, ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 2009.
Foroud, T et al. (Horak, H). A Mutation in Myotilin Causes Spheroid Body Myopathy. Neurology (65) 1936-1940, Dec 2005 PMID: 16380616
Horak, H. Vitamin B12 Deficiency. The 5 Minute Neurology Consult DJ Lynn, H Newton, and A Rae-Grant, eds. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 2004.
Pourmand, R. and Horak, H. Approach to the Patient With Acute Muscle Weakness. Practical Neurology, 2nd Edition J.Biller ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 2002.
Horak, H and R Pourmand. Endocrine Myopathies. Neurologic Clinics: (18) 203-213, Feb 2000
Kincaid, J and Horak, H. Painful Neuropathy and Sulfatides: Causation or Coincidence. J of Clinical Neuromuscular Dis: (3) 159-163, Mar 2000 PMID: 19078578
Pema, P; Horak, HA; Wyatt RH. Myelopathy Caused by Nitric Oxide Toxicity. AJNR: (5) 894-6, May 1998 PMID: 9613506