Gary E Schwartz, PhD
PO Box 210068
Department of Psychology
Tucson, AZ 85721-0068
Dr. Schwartz is Professor of Psychology, Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry and Surgery. He is the Director of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health (LACH, formerly the Human Energy Systems Laboratory). After receiving his doctorate from Harvard University, he served as a professor of psychology and psychiatry at Yale University, director of the Yale Psychophysiology Center, and co-director of the Yale Behavioral Medicine Clinic. Dr. Schwartz has published more than four hundred scientific papers, edited eleven academic books, is the author of several books including The Afterlife Experiments, The Truth About Medium, The G.O.D. Experiments, and The Energy Healing Experiments.
PhD: Psychology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Selected Publications
- Lucchetti G, dos Santos Camargo L, Lucchetti ALG, Schwartz GE, Nasri F. Rare medical conditions and suggestive past-life memories: a case report and literature review. Explore N. Y. N. 2013;9:372–376.
- Baldwin AL, Rand WL, Schwartz GE. Practicing Reiki does not appear to routinely produce high-intensity electromagnetic fields from the heart or hands of Reiki practitioners. J. Altern. Complement. Med. N. Y. N. 2013;19:518–526.
- Bell IR, Schwartz GE, Boyer NN, Koithan M, Brooks AJ. Advances in Integrative Nanomedicine for Improving Infectious Disease Treatment in Public Health. Eur. J. Integr. Med. 2013;5:126–140.
- Bell IR, Brooks AJ, Howerter A, Jackson N, Schwartz GE. Acute electroencephalographic effects from repeated olfactory administration of homeopathic remedies in individuals with self-reported chemical sensitivity. Altern. Ther. Health Med. 2013;19:46–57.
- Baldwin AL, Fullmer K, Schwartz GE. Comparison of physical therapy with energy healing for improving range of motion in subjects with restricted shoulder mobility. Evid.-Based Complement. Altern. Med. ECAM. 2013;2013:329731.
- Bell IR, Schwartz GE. Adaptive network nanomedicine: an integrated model for homeopathic medicine. Front. Biosci. Sch. Ed. 2013;5:685–708.
- Baldwin AL, Schwartz GE. Physiological changes in energy healers during self-practice. Complement. Ther. Med. 2012;20:299–305.
- Bell IR, Howerter A, Jackson N, Brooks AJ, Schwartz GE. Multiweek resting EEG cordance change patterns from repeated olfactory activation with two constitutionally salient homeopathic remedies in healthy young adults. J. Altern. Complement. Med. N. Y. N. 2012;18:445–453.
- Bell IR, Brooks AJ, Howerter A, Jackson N, Schwartz GE. Short-Term Effects of Repeated Olfactory Administration of Homeopathic Sulphur or Pulsatilla on Electroencephalographic Alpha Power in Healthy Young Adults. Homeopathy J. Fac. Homeopathy. 2011;100:203–211.
- Shiflett SC, Schwartz GE. Effects of acupuncture in reducing attrition and mortality in HIV-infected men with peripheral neuropathy. Explore N. Y. N. 2011;7:148–154.